Sulin Project

What is SulinOS ?

SulinOS project is an independent base linux distro project. Our main purpose in creating SulinOS is to create an rolling release operating system that does not use systemd. It uses two different kernels, Linux kernel and Libre kernel. In order to continue in accordance with the gnu philosophy glibc used as libc library. SulinOS aims to create a strong substructure named indispensable which is a kind of minimal system. Thanks to this infrastructure, we have created an easy-to-shape distro. It can be used on desktops, servers and embedded devices.

SulinOS uses its own toolset. It uses it's own package manager called inary. SulinOS uses openrc as service manager. Also SulinOS has force-elogind so you may compile systemd related packages without systemd.SulinOS has dummy-selinux software. You can run selinux dependent packages with dummy-selinux. (dummy-selinux is not preinstalled)

We continue to develop with inspiration from the legacy Pardus2011 project in the past.

Why SulinOS ?

SulinOS faster than standard distributions. For example, every package was compiled without selinux or apparmor. Also the kernel is configured for better security, without compromise. SulinOS never use sudo (You can use 'su -c command' inside sudo). SulinOS is oriented towards advanced Linux users, who know what they're doing.

Sulinos distribution is free software and the package manager gives you no way 3. the party doesn't force you to install packages. packages generally compiled without any patches or customizes. SulinOS provide pure GNU/Linux experience like linuxfromscratch. As a difference between LFS, SulinOS has multilib support is also provided under 64bit called emul32.