SulinOS Minimal ISO (Stable)
Minimal iso included base packages and TTY login.
To speialize yout environment we create a base iso. You can install it with ELSA installer and use personally or server softwares to create servers with SulinOS.
Sulin Project |
To speialize yout environment we create a base iso. You can install it with ELSA installer and use personally or server softwares to create servers with SulinOS.
Our reason with Gnome Iso is creating an Gnome Desktop environment without using systemd service manager. We are compiled GNOME with using libelogind and stabilized it without using any additional patch. Try and live the Gnome life.
Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly.
Ultra minimal desktop environment with comparatively low resource requirements. Lxde provide best performance.
Mate desktop is fork of gnome2. Mate provide classic gnome2 desktop environment experience.
Our reason with KDE Iso is creating user-friendly environment for QT-Developers and also end-users. There are additional 200 packages in our Repository under desktop.kde component. We add frameworks and plasma environment with important additional applications to create environment. Just Enjoy With it :)
Pantheon is ElementaryOS's Desktop Environment. We succeed to compile it with libelogind and created an iso with use libelogind and openrc. It's totally useful for users