inary build

inary build command is used to build binary packages from source files. Building operation can be made with giving pspec.xml path or source name whether any source repository have been added.


Build command can be used two ways.

sh ~$ inary build <pspec-file>
sh ~$ inary bi <package-file>

and also used with giving source name (unlike emerge, only the package creations happens)

sh ~$ inary build <source-package-name>
sh ~$ inary bi <source-package-name>


build options:
-q, --quiet

Run inary build operation without printing extra debug information.


Do not take dependency information into account.

-O, --output-dir

Output directory for produced packages.


Bypass errors from ActionsAPI.


Bypass safety switch.


Bypass testing step.


Create a static package with ar files.

-F, --package-format

Create the binary package using the given format. Use ‘-F help’ to see a list of supported formats.


Use quilt patch management system instead of GNU patch.


Do not constrain build process inside the build folder.

The inary package manager allows you to do the building step by step (each step is specified in the script as a function.) If an error occurs in any of these steps, the construction can be resumed from the step left. These step specifications is also given to build command as parameters.

Build Steps:

Break build after fetching the source archive.


Break build after unpacking the source archive, checking sha1sum and applying patches.


Break build after running configure step.


Break build after running compile step.


Break build after running check step.


Break build after running install step.


Create INARY package.

Example Runtime Output

sh ~$ inary build
Building source package: "expat"
expat-2.2.6.tar.bz2 [cached]
>>> Unpacking archive(s)...
 -> (/var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/work) unpacked.
>>> Setting up source...
GNU Config Update Finished.
GNU Config Update Finished.
[Running Command]: ./configure                 --prefix=/usr                 --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu                 --mandir=/usr/share/man                 --infodir=/usr/share/info                 --datadir=/usr/share                 --sysconfdir=/etc                 --localstatedir=/var                 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec                 --disable-static
>>> Build source...
[Running Command]: make -j5
>>> Installing...
[Running Command]: make DESTDIR=/var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install man1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 install
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "doc/expat.png" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat/html
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "doc/valid-xhtml10.png" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat/html
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "doc/reference.html" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat/html
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "doc/style.css" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat/html
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "Changes" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat
Removing special "libtool", file: "/var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/lib/"...
Building package: "expat"
Creating "expat-2.2.6-1-s19-x86_64.inary"...
Building package: "expat-devel"
Creating "expat-devel-2.2.6-1-s19-x86_64.inary"...
Building package: "expat-docs"
Creating "expat-docs-2.2.6-1-s19-x86_64.inary"...
Building package: "expat-pages"
Creating "expat-pages-2.2.6-1-s19-x86_64.inary"...
Keeping build directory
*** 0 error, 1 warning