Managing Repositories in INARY

inary package manager can download binary packages from repositories on local and remote servers. It allows adding and removing package repositories with a few commands.


Repository operations needs privileges and can be allowed by only super user.

Adding Repository

Adding a repository in system making with inary add-repo command


Repository url can be a file path.


add-repo options:

Ignore repository distribution check


Does not fetch repository index and does not check distribution match


Add repository at given position (0 is first)


sh ~$ inary add-repo <repository-name> <repository-url>
sh ~$ inary ar <repository-name> <repository-url>


  • GPG key check is performed during the repository addition. This check action can be by-passed, if not bypass, the added repository will be deactivated

Removing Repository

Removing a repository in system making with inary remove-repo command


sh ~$ inary remove-repo <repository-name>
sh ~$ inary rr <repository-name>

Update Repository

Refreshing the repository informations can be made with inary update-repo command. It synchronizes repository information whether index’s sha1sum has changed.


update-repo options:
--f, --force

Update database in any case


update-repo operation refreshes given repositor(y/ies) if the argument is given…

sh ~$ inary update-repo <repository-name>
sh ~$ inary ur <repository-name>

…but refreshes all repositories if no argument is given.

sh ~$ inary update-repo
sh ~$ inary ur


  • GPG key checking is also making when this process is happened. So, if you won’t confirm to pass this check action your updated repository will be deactivated.

  • Disable repositories will not updated unless otherwise specified.

Changing Activity of a Repository

There are two types of repository in the system: * Enable Repositories: added repositories are enabled by default. * Disable Repositories: if a GPG key error is occurred while adding/updating a repository, or, if the user requests this, the repositories are deactivated.

Enabling Repository

inary enable-repo command is used to activate a repository which has already deactivated.

sh ~$ inary enable-repo <repository-name>
sh ~$ inary er <repository-name>

Disabling Repository

inary disable-repo command is used to deactivate a repository.

sh ~$ inary disable-repo <repository-name>
sh ~$ inary dr <repository-name>