inary emergeup

inary emergeup command analyzes the upgraded source packages and it is used to build a source package from the source repository and to install the system. So it supplies to upgrade packages with building in your system.


This operation needs privileges and can be allowed by only super user.


emergeup operation builds an upgrades one specific package if the argument is given…

sh ~# inary emergeup <package-name>
sh ~# inary emup <package-name>

…but upgrades all waiting source packages if no argument is given.

sh ~# inary emergeup
sh ~# inary emup


emerge options:
-c, --component

Emerge available packages under given component


Ignore file conflicts.


Ignore package conflicts.


Bypass scom configuration agent.

Example Runtime Output

sh ~$ inary emergeup expat
Building source package: "expat"
expat-2.2.6.tar.bz2 [cached]
>>> Unpacking archive(s)...
 -> (/var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/work) unpacked.
>>> Setting up source...
GNU Config Update Finished.
GNU Config Update Finished.
[Running Command]: ./configure                 --prefix=/usr                 --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu                 --mandir=/usr/share/man                 --infodir=/usr/share/info                 --datadir=/usr/share                 --sysconfdir=/etc                 --localstatedir=/var                 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec                 --disable-static
>>> Build source...
[Running Command]: make -j5
>>> Installing...
[Running Command]: make DESTDIR=/var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install man1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 install
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "doc/expat.png" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat/html
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "doc/valid-xhtml10.png" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat/html
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "doc/reference.html" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat/html
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "doc/style.css" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat/html
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "Changes" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat
[Running Command]: install -m 0644 "" /var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/share/doc/expat
Removing special "libtool", file: "/var/inary/expat-2.2.6-1/install/usr/lib/"...
Building package: "expat"
Creating "expat-2.2.6-2-s19-x86_64.inary"...
Building package: "expat-devel"
Creating "expat-devel-2.2.6-2-s19-x86_64.inary"...
Building package: "expat-docs"
Creating "expat-docs-2.2.6-2-s19-x86_64.inary"...
Building package: "expat-pages"
Creating "expat-pages-2.2.6-2-s19-x86_64.inary"...
Keeping build directory
Installing package "expat" version 2.2.6 release 2
Extracting files of "expat" package.
Adding files of "expat" to database...
Installing "expat".